Hvor ligger louisiana

Louisiana is situated at the confluence of the Mississippi river system and the Gulf of Mexico. Its location and biodiversity attracted various indigenous groups thousands of years before Europeans arrived in the 17th century. See more. The State of Louisiana is located in the Gulf Coast (Deep South) region of the South-Central United States. Louisiana shares its borders with the State of Texas in . Louisiana er en delstat i USA, oppkalt etter den franske solkonge Ludvig XIV. [1] Den er en av sørstatene og grenser mot Mississippi i øst, Texas i vest, Arkansas i nord og mot .

Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, and Texas to the .

Hvor ligger louisiana: As shown in the Louisiana location map that Louisiana is located in the southern part of United States.

Louisiana is situated within the Lat long ° N, ° W and shares its northern border with Arkansas, eastern border with Mississippi, southern border with . Geographic Location and Climate. Louisiana is surrounded on three sides by three other states. To the north, Louisiana is bordered by Arkansas. Texas is west of Louisiana, . Louisiana (pronounced /lōō-ē'zē-ăn'ə/) [8] is a state in the Southern United States of America. It had a population of 4,, people in The state has a total area of . Situated in the western south-central US, Louisiana ranks 31st in size among the 50 states.

The total area of Louisiana is 47, sq mi (, sq km), including 44, sq . Find out where is Louisiana located. The location map of Louisiana below highlights the geographical position of Louisiana within the United State on the US map. Louisiana is a state located in the southeastern portion of the United States south of Arkansas between Texas and Mississippi. It features a distinct multicultural . Louisiana location on the U.S. Map. This map shows where Louisiana is located in the United States. You may download, print or use the above map for . As shown in the Louisiana location map that Louisiana is located in the southern part of United States.

It bordered by the Texas in the west, Arkansas in the north, and in the . Louisiana er en stat i det sydlige USA omkring Mississippiflodens udløb i Den Mexicanske Golf. Louisiana blev optaget i unionen i som den stat. Guvernøren er John Bel .

hvor ligger louisiana

General Map of Louisiana, United States. The detailed map shows the US state of Louisiana with boundaries, the location of the state capital Baton Rouge, major cities .